Make the close seamless

Execute your close faster with time-saving AI automations. DualEntry keeps your numbers accurate, encourages better team collaboration, and provides full visibility of your progress toward month-end.

Handle your numbers with confidence and control

Close the books more accurately with precise, AI-driven tools that scale to your enterprise’s needs.

Assured accuracy

DualEntry's intelligent automations – including integrated sign-offs, tie-outs, and balance-change alerts – ensure your reporting remains comprehensive and accurate.

Automatic, tracked reconciliation

Put inaccuracies and manual reconciliations in the past by letting DualEntry AI automate the process. Quickly track who’s reconciled which account and when, and review all related files.

Period locking

Keep reconciliation schedules and their associated documents protected with DualEntry’s period-locking feature. In just a few clicks, secure your folders to prevent accidental adjustments.

Full visibility in real-time, 
in one space

Get a deeper understanding of every step of your close process – including the responsibilities of every individual – to improve your team’s efficiency.

Close checklist

Visible to all team members and updated in real time, DualEntry’s close checklist keeps everyone accountable. Once you’ve assigned tasks to your team, they can track their progress with attachments, notes, and file sign-offs.

Review notes

Add review notes to your close checklist or reconciliations to simplify communication with your team. Once they’re resolved, you can return to your notes anytime when preparing for performance reviews or audits.

Instant overview

View pending, in-progress, and completed tasks in real time, filtering by entity or team member for a full visualization of everyone's workload. Swiftly pinpoint problem areas to reassign resources and close in time.